Free Praise & Worship MP3s, Free Album Downloads, Free Music Videos


Greetings To You

in the name of Jesus!

This site contains our original worship songs. We want to share them with the body of Christ. Most of the songs are in English. We have some songs and other languages, like Spanish, Spanish and English, Korean, Chinese, and English in Swahili. Many of the songs we sing in our fellowship.

©2000-2010 Shiloh Worship Music COPY FREELY;This Music is copyrighted to prevent misuse, however,permission is granted for non-commercial copying only.

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All original songs and original videos containing original artwork.

We Love Jesus, we are simple christian disciples of Jesus using

our gifts to lavish our love and lives for Him. To point others to Jesus. our music is simple-most of these original songs are prayers to Jesus set to music.

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